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Selenium Java Architecture Diagram

SearchContext is the super most interface present in selenium WebDriver. An interface called WebDriver extends SearchContext interface.  A total of 13 interfaces are available in selenium, which is implemented by a super most class called RemoteWebDriver. RemoteWebDriver is again extended by few browser specific child classes such as,  FirefoxDriver class to automate on firefox browser, ChromeDriver class to automate on Chrome browser, InternetExplorerDriver class to automate on IE. All the above mentioned interfaces and classes are present in a package called “org.openqa.selenium”. To view any information about Selenium interfaces, classes and methods, navigate to the below page.


In Selenium we have total 13 interfaces. All these interfaces has abstract and non- static methods. The following are the interfaces of Selenium webdriver.

  1. SearchContext 

  2. WebDriver 

  3. TakesScreenshot 

  4. JavascriptExecutor 

  5. Navigation 

  6. OutputType 

  7. WebElement 

  8. TargetLocator 

  9. Alert 

  10. Action 

  11. ExpectedConditions 

  12. Options 

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