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XPath in Selenium - Types of XPath

XPath is the xml path of an element in the html tree along with certain conditions and attributes forming an expression. XPath is one of the locator in selenium using which we identify objects or elements when we are unable to locate the elements by using ID, class, name and tag name. If elements are not static in page and dynamically changing then XPath locator is the useful locator.

Xpath are of 2 types:

  1. Absolute XPath         

  2. Relative XPath 

Click on the below link to read that chapter

Absolute XPath in selenium

Relative XPath in selenium

Selenium relative XPath by attribute

Selenium relative XPath using text function

Selenium relative XPath using contains function

Selenium relative XPath using starts with function

Independent and dependent concept in XPath

Group index in XPath

XPath axes

XPath vs CSS in selenium


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